This service consists of FOUR exterior treatments per year.
The price of each treatment is $140. This treatment targets spiders and all crawling insects. It includes cobweb removal.
For your convenience, your future treatments will be scheduled automatically by our office, and you will be billed via email after each future treatment. You can then pay online or mail us a check.
We use both a liquid barrier and a granular bait. The liquid is applied about 12 -18 inches up and about 12 inches out from the foundation. The granular, when needed, is applied in the planting beds around the home. The goal is to use the least amount of product necessary to provide you with a bug free home.
Once you purchase this service our office will contact you within the next business day to let you know of your service date. Because this service is on the exterior of the home no one needs to be there unless you would like to be. If you have any questions, or need immediate service please give us a call 800-990-0335
Target Pests: ants (acrobat, Argentine, big-headed, crazy, odorous, pavement, pharaoh, thief) “¢ beetles (Asian lady, darkling) “¢ bugs (box-elder, pill) “¢ centipedes “¢ cockroaches (Australian, Oriental, smokey brown) “¢ crickets, house “¢ earwigs, European “¢ flies, cluster “¢ millipedes “¢ silverfish “¢ spiders (black widow, brown recluse, cellar, hobo)
NOTE: Any discounts from coupons are a one-time discount. The discount shall only be applied to the service(s) in this shopping cart and NOT toward any future or recurring services.
If you live in Southern Maryland, or Northern Virginia and need help please call us now or visit our website here.