tick control

No-Spray Tick Control & Outdoor Protection

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No-Spray treatments are the most effective methods for keeping your home’s outdoor spaces healthy while eliminating ticks. We serve Southern Maryland and Northern Virginia with tick control and general outdoor pest control. We understand the tick life cycle and how to keep your family safe.

Spend six minutes with Gene as he explains the connection between ticks, mice and Lyme disease and how the Planet Friendly Pest Control tick treatment program is done. This is worth watching!


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Include your outdoor living spaces in your pest control plan.

An outdoor pest protection plan for tick control is a must. Your yard is host to many animal visitors. Squirrels, mice, rabbits, fox, opossum, raccoon and deer are common hosts for ticks.  These parasites and pests are vectors for serious diseases that affect people and pets.

Make sure your outdoor spaces are protected.

How to Get Rid of Ticks

Transcript of Gene’s video on how to get rid of ticks:

Hi, Gene here. I’d like to invite you to spend a few minutes with me as we talked about the relationship between ticks, mice, and Lyme disease. Meet Ixodes scapularis, otherwise known as the black-legged or deer tick, which is the main vector of Lyme disease and Powassan virus to humans.

Understanding the tick lifecycle helps us create pest control strategies to prevent the spread of disease to humans and our pets. Deer ticks undergo a two-year, three-stage lifecycle. Adult female ticks lay eggs on the ground in the spring. Adult females may carry Lyme disease but their eggs do not.

The eggs hatch into larvae during early summer and become infected with disease as they feed on infected mice. Mice are the primary reservoir hosts for the organisms that cause disease. The tick larvae molt to nymphs during the fall or the following spring. When the nymphs feed late spring or early summer, their hosts may become infected.

Humans are accidental hosts. Most cases of Lyme’s occur from late spring through summer. Of all tick stages, the nymph is the primary vector for transmission of disease to humans. In the fall, nymphs molt to adults that feed on white-tailed deer but rarely on humans.

White-tailed deer do not become infected with Lyme disease but amplify the tick population by providing a blood meal for adult ticks. Adult male and female ticks mate on the deer. The following spring, adult female ticks lay eggs, and the cycle is repeated. To simplify, adult ticks live mainly on deer, and females lay eggs on the ground in the spring.

The tick eggs then hatch in the spring and become larvae. The larvae then feed on mice and become infected with disease. It’s important to know that mice are the primary reservoir hosts of diseases. Once the tick larva has a blood meal, they drop to the ground. The next spring, the tick larva becomes a nymph.

It is this stage of the tick which mainly infects humans and their pets. When we show up at your home to do the tick treatment, the one thing we do not do is slather pesticide all over your property.

Our tick treatment is very specific, it’s very focused, and we look at three things. We kill non-attached ticks, we kill the larval-stage ticks that are attached to mice, and we focus on reducing rodent populations against the house. ♪

To treat and target the non-attached ticks, which are the ticks in the vegetation that are waiting for a host to walk by so they can grab onto them and get a blood meal, we target these ticks by focusing on transition zones, which are the spaces between the shady area and the bright sunny lawn.

That might be a space between the tree line, it might be a space between the neighbor’s house, it might be a space between the mature planting bed and the lawn. All of these places are transition zones, and what we do is we come in with a granular clay-based product, is very effective for targeting ticks. We put down…it’s about an 8 to 10-foot-wide band all the way around the property.

We’re not out, you know, slathering stuff around, killing everything, we’re trying to be very specific and very focused on targeting non-attached ticks. When we target attached ticks that are actively feeding and taking a blood meal from mice, we use what’s called a tick tube.

So what happens is once that band has been put down, we go outside the band around the transition zones and we install tick tubes about every 50 linear feet. What a tick tube is, is a piece of cardboard about six inches long.

It is stuffed with natural cotton that’s been lightly treated with a 7.5% permethrin. The mice find these things, they take the cotton, they use it as bedding material, they lay in it, their babies lay in it. And as they’re laying in this material, they are self-medicating with permethrin and they are killing all of the ticks that are attached to them.

It is very effective. Well, the last part of our tick program is reducing rodent populations directly around the foundation of the home. We do that with rodent bait stations, and there’s usually about four stations per house.

It’s a double benefit because during the fall, winter, and spring, mice are not getting into the house, we go into the next pest season with a reduced rodent population, and that put us way ahead against the fight on ticks.

Get started with your tick control today!

Finding a tick on your child or your dog is upsetting.  We know how to get rid of ticks in your yard while still respecting the environment.  Call us at 800-990-0335 if you live in Southern Maryland ( Anne Arundel, St. Mary’s, Calvert or Charles County) or Northern Virginia ( Alexandria, Arlington, Annandale, McLean and more ).  Tick control starts at $105

Moved into a new home and had pest issues inside and outside, Friendly Pest Control fixed the problem FAST and have kept the issue resolved for the last year. Their products are not noxious and nasty which is super important to us for our son and our dog, customer service is top notch and super friendly, can't say enough good things...

Dr. Porecki

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Questions on Outdoor Pest Control 

Why don’t you treat my entire yard for ticks?

Our tick control is very focused on targeting non-attached ticks and nymph stage ticks attached to mice. It is not necessary nor is it healthy to treat the entire yard. We have short video that explains our tick treatment in more detail.


Are the tick tubes safe for my pets?



What does the adult tick look like?

Black Legged Tick

Ixodes scapularis – The Black Legged or Deer Tick
Outdoor protection is a must. The black legged tick is the main vector for transmitting Lyme to humans.

I have mosquitoes, what can be done?

Solving mosquito issues are more complicated than simply spraying pesticides. There are times when an adulticide spray is needed to knock back a large population of adult mosquitoes. Or for short term relief for a specific event.  You can read more about our mosquito treatment philosophy here. If you have specific questions or needs regarding mosquitoes please feel free to call our office 800-990-0335.