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Planet Friendly Pest Control Blog — you are here! We love providing eco-pest control tips, expert advice, and sustainable pest solutions for a healthier planet and home. Each article aims to assist you in dealing with pests while being gentle on the environment. We hope you enjoy this article and find it useful in your quest to create a safer, more ecologically friendly environment. Let’s get started!

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What Should I Do After a Pest Control Treatment Is Done on My Southern Maryland and Northern Virginia Home?

In the U.S., at least 74% of homeowners have tried a DIY approach to get rid of pests. While sprays and traps can offer a short-term solution, the pests often return. 

In most cases, it’s best to call for professional pest control. That said, your job doesn’t end once the exterminator leaves. 

You might be wondering, “what should I do after a pest control treatment?”

Luckily, you’ve come to the right place. Read on to learn what you need to do after your exterminator leaves your home.  

What Should I Do After a Pest Control Treatment?

If you have to go outside during the treatment, ask your exterminator when it will be safe to go back inside. It may be anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours. 

If an exterminator has just sprayed the inside of your home, the most important thing is to let the treatment sit. Don’t clean or wipe up any treatment spray you notice.

Throw Away Any Food That You Left Out

While some pest control companies use an environmentally-friendly spray, that doesn’t mean it’s not poisonous. Just because it’s safe enough to use around kids and pets, that doesn’t mean it’s safe to ingest.

That’s why it’s important to throw away any food you left out. Think produce on the counter, the food in your dog’s bowl, or an uncovered plate of brownies. 

To avoid wasting food next time, put your food in sealed containers and store it in the cabinet before the exterminator comes. 

Wait To Clean Your House

You might think that cleaning is the best way to keep pests away, but that can actually work against you. After all, your exterminator has just sprayed for pests and if you wipe it up, the pests might come right back.

Wait for at least a week to do thorough cleaning. Mopping, wiping baseboards, cleaning around windows and doors, or cleaning cabinets can wipe up the treatment you just paid for. 

What To Do If You’re Still Seeing Pests

Some treatments will actually draw out more pests right after treatment. As the pests respond to the treatment, you should see less of them after a few days. 

If you’re still seeing pests after treatment, they might be coming in through a crack or a hole. Check the report from your exterminator to see if they noticed any entry point issues. If they did, you’ll need to make some repairs. 

If you have a rodent or an ant problem, use caulk to seal up the crack or entry point. If it’s still an issue, reach out to your pest control company for more guidance. 

Start the Journey Towards a Pest-Free Home Today

If you’ve been wondering, ‘what should I do after a pest control treatment?’ now you know what to do. 

If you need additional pest control treatment for your Southern Maryland or Northern Virginia home, Planet Friendly Pest Control can help. We offer general exterminator services, plus treatment for termites and rodent issues.

Contact us today to learn more or set up a service call.


If you live in Southern Maryland, or Northern Virginia


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