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What Is the Best Pest Control for Ants?

Are ants in your home really that big of a deal? After all, they’re tiny and harmless, right?

While most ants pose little threat to humans in terms of bites or allergic reactions, the common acrobat ant that invades most Southern Maryland homes can be incredibly destructive. They strip insulation, electrical wires, and even emit unpleasant odors.

But what is the best pest control for ants? Are there ways to treat your problem naturally? What about prevention?

Keep reading for everything you need to know about ant pest control.

Ant Infestation Prevention

One of the most important steps in pest control for ants is learning how to turn off your “vacancy sign.” Ants, like any other creatures, are concerned with survival. They’re attracted to places that provide food, water, and shelter.

To limit the appeal and access to your home, take the following steps:

  • Get rid of any standing water in or around the home
  • Fix any leaky pipes, faucets, etc.
  • Practice good cleaning habits, primarily where food is concerned
  • Seal up any cracks, holes, or gaps in the home that could allow access to ants
  • Trim back any vegetation that’s touching the home (weeds, trees, shrubs, etc.)
  • Remove possible shelters near the home (rotting wood, garbage, debris, etc.)

Ant removal is much simpler when you’re not dealing with a full force infestation. 

Natural Measures

If you already have an ant problem, you need to start thinking about eradication. There are several natural options for exterminating ants with varying levels of effectiveness. 

First, you can try the boiling water method. Boil a pot or kettle of water and pour it down the entrance of their nest. This will kill much of the top layers of the colony, although it’s unlikely to get deep enough to kill the queen. 

You can also use natural chemical compounds like diatomaceous earth or boric acid. Mix powdered boric acid with sugar to create a homemade poisonous bait for ants. The foragers will bring it back to the nest for the colony to feed on.

Calling in the Professionals

While there’s nothing wrong with trying some DIY pest control options at home, you must also be able to recognize when a situation is out of your control. Even commercial chemical products (such as bug sprays and dust) can prove to exacerbate your ant problem over time. 

These products are great for immediate ant removal, but if used improperly can lead to larger ant populations invading your home. The non-treated ants will retreat, the colony will sense the threat and repopulate rapidly, coming back when the spray you used wears off.

At this point (or ideally, before it gets to this point), it’s best to call in professional exterminators to ensure a bug-free home.

Looking for Pest Control for Ants in Southern Maryland or Northern Virginia?

At the end of the day, your home should be a sanctuary of peace and safety. While most ants don’t pose any real threat to your safety, they can completely disrupt the harmony of your home. If you need pest control for ants, we can help.

Contact us today to talk to us about your ant problem and found out what we can do to help.


If you live in Southern Maryland, or Northern Virginia


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