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Fungus Gnat in Southern Maryland

Did you know that bugs are so persistent that they can live in some of the hottest and coldest places on earth?

This is why it can be a pain to get rid of them. Fungus gnats are one species that are particularly annoying.

Are you wondering what they are? Keep reading to learn all about the fungus gnat in Southern Maryland and how you can get rid of an infestation.

1. What Is the Threat?

A fungus gnat is a pest that lays its eggs in and around your plants. In addition, they can end up damaging your entire yard. Without proper fungus gnat control, they’ll continue to breed until it’s like a nightmare come true.

Fungus gnats look like mosquitos, but they don’t bite. They’re much more interested in your indoor and outdoor plants.

2. Where Is the Threat?

Fungus gnats are definitely a type of Maryland insect that you should be wary of. In terms of genetics, they belong in the fly family and can be found across the globe.

If you have potted plants, for instance, then your household could be at risk. This is because they prefer indoor plants most of all.

3. Symptoms

In large numbers, fungus gnats can cause your plants to become top-heavy because of a constricted stem. They often start at the roots and destroy the plant from the bottom up.

With this in mind, you should check the health of your roots by moving some of the soil around. You can also give a gentle pinch to the stem and test its strength. If it’s soft, then that’s one warning sign.

4. What to Do About the Problem

When it comes to fungus gnat prevention, you can start by inspecting plants carefully for infestation symptoms before bringing them home. Since gnats love moisture, you should cover up your drainage holes and put a bit of sand in your soil to make it drier.

If the problem isn’t too severe, then you can try handling it by making some traps. One type of trap is made from either soap, vinegar, or cider. If you put about half of an inch of this substance in a dish and leave it out, they’ll be attracted to it but will end up drowning.

Sticky paper is a similar trick you can use for fungus gnat treatment. To deal with larva, it’s important to dissolve some mosquito dunks and pour the liquid into your plant’s soil. If the problem gets out of hand, it’s time to call the pros.

Are You Ready to Eliminate Every Fungus Gnat?

Now that you’ve learned all about the fungus gnat, you’re ready to start preventing and treating any infestations. The best way to do a thorough job is to hire a trained professional. After all, they have the right tools and expertise.

We take pride in offering top-notch pest solutions in both Southern Maryland and Northern Virginia. Whether you have fungus gnats, cockroaches, termites, or all of the above, we can handle it for you.

If you want a bug-free home, all you have to do is contact us, and we’ll be there to help.


If you live in Southern Maryland, or Northern Virginia


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