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What Does a Termite Infestation Look Like?

Subterranean termite colonies can have up to 2 million termites in them. All it takes is a single reproductive termite pair to grow a colony. So if you see signs of a termite infestation or see a termite scampering about, you need to act quickly.

Termites eat wood, so if a colony moves into your house, you might need to do some serious home repairs in the future. The best way to prevent this is to stay vigilant.

So, keep reading to find out what a termite infestation looks like.

Warped Windows or Doors

Since termites feast on wood, they tend to target doors and windows first. This is because the wood is exposed and easily accessible.

As the termites eat the wood, it damages the structure of your windows and doors. This can cause them to become warped.

The first sign will be struggling to open the windows and doors. As the damage progresses, you’ll start to see the warping with your naked eye. 

Discarded Wings

A sure sign that you have a termite infestation is the presence of discarded termite wings. Termites can be broken up into three groups:

  • Workers
  • Soldiers
  • Swarmers

Termites don’t live very long, but part of termite swarmers’ lifecycle is to leave the colony to find a mate. Once the swarmer leaves its current colony and finds its mate, it sheds its wings.

If the swarmer can’t get out of your home, their bodies can be found near window sills. Swarmers are often mistaken for flying ants, so take a good look the next time you suspect you simply have an ant problem.

So if you see termite wings or swarmers’ bodies in your home, you need to contact your local pest control services

Mud Tubes

Mud tubes look like narrow tunnels along the side of your home. These tubes will start from the ground and run up toward any exposed wood in your home.

Termites use these mud tubes to move around while protecting themselves from the dryness of the air. Subterranean termites have an incredibly thin exoskeleton, which means they dry out quickly if they’re exposed to the air. The mud tubes offer them a safe way to travel from their colony to their food.

To check if the investigation is currently active, you can break a piece of the mud tube off and come back later to see if it’s repaired. Even if you don’t find any live termites in the mud tubes, it doesn’t mean you’re safe. It can simply be an indication that the termites have moved on to a different area of your home.

Easily Handle Any Termite Infestation

When it comes to dealing with a termite infestation, it’s important to spot the signs early on. The quicker you catch the signs of a termite infestation, the easier it will be to deal with. Dealing with termite infestations in the home isn’t pleasant, but it can be cleared up using pest control services.

If you think you might have an Eastern Subterranean Termite infestation, please feel free to contact us. Planet Friendly Pest Control offers pest control to the Southern Maryland and Northern Virginia areas.


If you live in Southern Maryland, or Northern Virginia


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