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Scale Insects in Southern Maryland

What if there was a silent killer coming after your trees and shrubberies?

If you live in Southern Maryland, you must be wary of scale insects. It is difficult to detect these pests, and they always mean bad news for your lawn!

Fortunately, you can fight this threat, but you need to understand it first. Keep reading to discover everything you need to know about the scale insect!

What Are Scale Insects?

Our guide is going to walk you through everything you need to know about scale insect control. First, though, we need to answer the big question: what are scale insects, anyway?

These are special pests with tube-like mouths. And they pose a unique threat to ornamental trees and shrubs in your area.

Unlike many other pests, the scale insect does not directly damage a tree. Instead, they create or exacerbate tree wounds that let dangerous pathogens in. Alternatively, these pests may make it likelier for a tree to be attacked by various wood-boring pests.

Two Types of Scale Insect

Below, we have a guide to the different symptoms of scale insects. But even if you are looking right at the pest, it may be difficult to determine if it is a scale insect or one of the other types of Maryland insects.

Soft scales are ones that breed one generation per year. They look a bit like a helmet and they produce honeydew. Finally, soft scales present a high level of crawler activity, and you may notice a protective wall around their body.

By contrast, hard scales may breed two or more generations each year. They look more circular and do not produce honeydew. Finally, hard scales present lower crawler activity and they have a separate covering around the body for protection.

What Are the Symptoms of These Insects?

Now you know what these insects look like, but you may not always see them directly. Instead, you are far likelier to see the symptoms of their presence.

Remember when we said that soft scales produce honeydew? This honeydew can actually grow black mold, so you may see darkened leaves as a symptom. Alternatively, the honeydew may attract many ants, and this serves as another symptom.

What about symptoms of hard scales? Both soft and hard scales can lead to different types of canopy damage. That includes needle loss, discoloring from water stress, or merely a higher degree of plant mortality.

How Can I Drive These Insects Away?

Now you know more about what scale insects are and how to recognize them and recognize their symptoms. But what can you actually do about this infestation?

You can drive soft scales away with special insecticides, though you may end up doing more damage to the threes and shrubberies. For hard scales, you can apply special insecticides in specific ways, but these insects are much harder to deal with.

Ultimately, your best bet is to contact tree care professionals who can help with scale insect treatment.

Who To Call

Have an infestation of scale insects and you don’t know who to call? This is where we come in!

Here at Planet Friendly Pest Control, we are experts when it comes to nasty infestations. To see how we can protect your trees, shrubberies, and home, just contact us today!


If you live in Southern Maryland, or Northern Virginia


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