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Spotted Lanternfly in Southern Maryland

$300 million is the cost the agricultural industry in Pennsylvania spend to avoid and correct damage caused by spotted lanternfly infestations. As the lanternfly makes it’s way to known hotspots this number will continue to grow as more people look to stop them in their tracks before damaging their crops.

If you’ve got fruit bearing plants or maturing trees you’d like to see flourish there’s one thing you never want to have a problem with, and that’s a spotted lanternfly infestation.

If you don’t know what a spotted lanternfly is or signs that you’ve got an infestation, you’ve come to the right place.

Check out our brief guide on everything you need to know about spotted lanternflies.

What Is the Spotted Lantern Fly Threat?

Typically, the spotted lanternfly is native to various areas in China, but this doesn’t mean you can’t find it in other places of the world, such as Southern Maryland. Spotted lanternflies get most of their nutrition from fruit-sprouting trees or woody-type trees.

Specific trees that are at risk of lantern fly infestations include:

If someone has material that contains the spotted lanternfly, it can easily travel from one place to another, spreading the infestation, especially if there are lanternfly eggs in the materials.

Where is the Spotted Lantern Fly Threat?

As mentioned above, while we’re focusing on spotted lanternfly in Maryland area, there are several places where this threat can be found. It’s also in places like:

  • Connecticut
  • Delaware
  • Maryland
  • New Jersey New York
  • Pennsylvania

Each area has its own process for reporting an infection to the proper people, including abiding by the quarantine map. When it comes to the spotted lanternfly’s emigration pattern, think of it as a hitchhiker because they’re not going to fly long distances.

When you find signs that theirs an infestation, it’s best to take photos of the area and send them in.


Now that you’ve got a better understanding of the threat and where it’s located, let’s take a deeper dive into the signs and symptoms of this plant and tree demolished. Most plants and trees that are affected will begin to take on an odor that resembles fermentation.

You might also notice your plants have a liquid that oozes from them. If the plant is located in the ground, this can be observed by looking underneath the leaves.

Once the plant has been infested, and the smell begins to set in, it can also smell like mold. It’s essential to notice the signs of this ingestion to stop it from happening or treat it as soon as possible.

What to do About the Problem

The first thing you can do to stop the problem before it begins is checking all of your outdoor items for the presence of eggs. If there are eggs present, remove and dispose of them immediately.

It would help if you also took time to look over your trees for signs of an infestation. But, the best thing you can do is call your local pest control suppliers because they’re skilled and equipped to take care of the infestations by providing spotted lanternfly control services.

A Comprehensive Spotted Lanternfly Infestation Guide

When it comes to a spotted lanternfly infestation, we’ve given you information about everything from the problem to what you can do about it. If you need pest control services, contact Planet Friendly Pest Control.

Let us help you keep your home bug-free and the surrounding area pest-free!


If you live in Southern Maryland, or Northern Virginia


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