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3 Hidden Dangers of Brown-Banded Cockroaches to Maryland and Virginia Homes

The brown-banded is a nasty pest common in Maryland and Virginia homes. The climate northeastern U.S.A. is the ideal for these roaches. They could even be lurking in the dark spaces in your home. 

If you’re asking yourself, “How do you know if you a roach problem? How do I get rid of them?” keep reading. This article will teach you about brown-banded cockroaches, how to identify them, and what to do if you find them creeping along in your house. 

What Is a Brown-Banded Cockroach? 

The brown-banded cockroach is a small cockroach that lives in houses or other indoor spaces. These pests gather in homes because they provide dark, temperature-controlled shelter and food. You could find them crawling around in dark, moist areas of your house, such as the basement. 

Once cockroaches have made it into your home and found the right conditions, they start laying eggs. A female cockroach may lay up to 50 eggs at a times and hide the sacs above ceiling tiles, in walls, underneath sinks or appliances. The temperate weather conditions of Maryland and Virginia are the perfect environment for these pests to thrive. 

Roach Nymph Identification 

You may not see an adult brown-banded cockroach, as they tend to avoid light, but you could come across roach nymphs. Nymphs are young cockroaches about 1/8 inch long with two light brown bands crossing their bodies. 

Fully grown brown-banded cockroaches measure up to 1/2 inch and have wings. The average lifespan ranges from 4 months to almost 1 year, in the right conditions. If unnoticed, the females could easily lay enough eggs to cause an infestation. 


These pests are far from benign houseguests. They could be a dangerous presence in your home. 

Health Risks 

Brown-banded cockroaches may carry diseases harmful to human health. E. coli and Salmonella and other germs responsible for infections like typhoid fever and cholera are spread by roaches.

Since they enjoy dark areas, they may crawl in areas you use every day, such as kitchen cabinets, silverware drawers, pantries, and counters. They even trigger allergies or worsen asthma in some people. 

Home Risks 

Aside from being a health risk, brown-banded cockroaches are destructive. Roaches are not picky when it comes to what they eat. Their diet may consist of food crumbs, clothing, glue, books/bookbinding, and wallpaper. 

Homes with high ceilings, damp basements, dark crawl spaces are perfect for cockroaches. 

Signs of an Infestation

A roach infestation could go unnoticed for a while. Older homes commonly found in Maryland and Virginia homes could attract these pests as they provide a suitable environment. Generations of roaches could have lived and died before you realize your house is infested. 

Signs of a brown-banded cockroach infestation include: 

  • Egg cases in dark, hard-to-see areas 
  • Finding skins or other body parts 
  • Feces, which look like specs of black pepper, on walls or floors

The identification of these roaches is important for proper management. If you believe you may have a brown roach problem, it’s time to call the experts. 

Get Rid of Your Brown-Banded Roach Problem Once and for All 

The climates of Maryland and Virginia make the brown-banded cockroach a common problem. It’s difficult to rid yourself of these pests on your own. If you suspect you have a roach problem, contact us.

You can receive a free quote over the phone or have one of our pest control specialists evaluate your home.  


If you live in Southern Maryland, or Northern Virginia


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