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Where Do Termites Go When It’s Cold?

Termites are nesting in wood

While you may imagine that termites, such as the Eastern Subterranean Termite, go dormant or die out in the winter, the reality is that they remain active even when the weather gets cold. So long as termites can find a warm climate, they will continue to be active. In many cases, that warm climate is a residential property.

In this blog post, your expert team at Planet Friendly Pest Control will answer the question, “Where do termites go when it’s cold?” We will also highlight exactly how termites enter a home and how homeowners can stop them in their tracks. Let’s get started.

Where Do Termites Go When It’s Cold?

Termites, when looked at as an entire colony, are incredibly smart creatures, especially when it comes to their engineering abilities. Throughout the year, termites infest homes by accessing wood from the outside, located close to their subterranean colonies.

They are still able to do this even in the winter months when the weather turns cold because of what’s known as exploratory tubes. Comprised of mud and fecal material, these exploratory tubes enable termites to search for food sources (i.e. cellulose found in wood) without having to expose themselves to freezing temperatures.

Homes are perfect winter getaways for termites for a number of reasons. We can describe this using the three Ws: warmth, water, and wood. With these three things, termites are able to survive””and indeed thrive””throughout the winter months.

How to Stop Termites From Entering Your Home

As we have highlighted, termites are only able to access a home is by reaching a wooden structure while staying warm. It’s the use of termite tunnels that allows them to do this. For wooden structures that are near the soil, either have them protected or removed and, where possible, ensure that the wooden structure does not come within 18 inches of the soil.

If there is any wooden debris close to your home, such as wood chips, lumber, and firewood, these should be removed. You should also replace any damaged wooden materials with pressure-tested lumber or non-cellulose alternatives.

Termites, as noted above, also require water to survive. This means they are attracted to wood that is in a humid place, is wet, or is near wet soil. In vulnerable areas like basements, ensure that moisture and humidity are reduced by repairing leaks and dehumidifying. Check also that your gutters and downspouts properly drain moisture away from your home.

Where Do Termites Go in Winter?

The answer to this question, as we have seen, is into people’s homes when they are given the chance. For termites, homes are the perfect place to ride out the winter months. However, their presence is certainly not welcomed by homeowners.

If you are interested in learning more about how do termites behave in the winter and effective termite treatment, speak to our team today. Click here for a free quote.


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