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Comprehensive Guide to Keeping Carpenter Bees Off Your House

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Carpenter bees, often mistaken for bumblebees, are notorious for causing damage to wooden structures. These large, solitary bees bore into wood to create nests, which can lead to significant structural damage over time. Homeowners in Southern Maryland and Northern Virginia often face challenges with these insects, as their activity can compromise the integrity of homes and outbuildings. A comprehensive approach to prevention and control is essential to protect your property from these pests.


Eliminating Access and Habitat


Identifying and Sealing Entry Points

The first step in keeping carpenter bees away is identifying and sealing their potential entry points. Carpenter bees typically target exposed wood, such as eaves, fascia boards, and decks. Conduct a thorough inspection of your home’s exterior to identify any existing holes or areas of vulnerability. Use caulk or wood putty to fill these holes, and consider painting or varnishing exposed wood surfaces to make them less attractive to bees.


Treating Wood Surfaces

Carpenter bees are less likely to bore into treated or painted wood. Applying a fresh coat of paint or a sealant can deter these insects. Additionally, using a borate-based wood preservative can help protect untreated wood surfaces. Borate treatments penetrate the wood and create a barrier that is toxic to the bees, preventing them from creating nests.


Installing Physical Barriers

Physical barriers can effectively prevent carpenter bees from accessing your home. Install fine mesh screens over vents and soffits to block entry points. You can also use bee-resistant materials like vinyl or aluminum siding to replace or cover wooden surfaces that bees might target. For wooden structures that cannot be replaced, consider wrapping them in insect netting during peak bee activity periods.


Reducing Conducive Conditions


Regular Maintenance and Repairs

Regular maintenance and timely repairs are crucial in preventing carpenter bee infestations. Repair any damaged wood promptly, as cracks and crevices provide ideal nesting sites. Ensure that all wood surfaces are in good condition and properly treated to withstand bee activity.


Ensuring Proper Ventilation and Drainage

Proper ventilation and drainage are essential in maintaining the integrity of your home’s woodwork. Excess moisture can weaken wood, making it more susceptible to carpenter bee damage. Ensure that your home’s ventilation systems are working efficiently and that gutters and downspouts are directing water away from wooden structures.


Landscaping Tips

Your landscaping choices can also influence carpenter bee activity. Planting bee-repellent plants, such as eucalyptus, citronella, and mint, around your home can help keep bees at bay. Additionally, keeping woodpiles and dead tree stumps away from your home can reduce the likelihood of attracting carpenter bees.


Using Preventative Products

Several commercial products are available to help prevent carpenter bee infestations. Insecticidal sprays and dusts can be applied to wood surfaces to deter bees. These products typically contain active ingredients like permethrin or cyfluthrin, which are effective against carpenter bees. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions for safe and effective use.


Recognizing When to Call for Professional Help


Identifying Signs of a Severe Infestation

While minor carpenter bee activity can often be managed with DIY methods, severe infestations may require professional intervention. Signs of a severe infestation include multiple holes in wood surfaces, piles of sawdust (frass) beneath these holes, and the presence of numerous bees around your home. If you notice any of these signs, it is time to call in the experts.


Benefits of Professional Inspection and Treatment

Professional pest control services have the expertise and equipment to handle carpenter bee infestations effectively. They can conduct a thorough inspection to identify all nesting sites and apply treatments that are more potent than over-the-counter products. Professional treatments often include the use of insecticidal dusts, which are injected directly into the bee’s tunnels, killing the bees and their larvae.


Choosing a Reputable Pest Control Service

When selecting a pest control service, look for companies with experience in dealing with carpenter bees. Check reviews and ask for references to ensure you choose a reputable service. A good pest control company will provide a detailed plan of action and offer follow-up services to ensure the infestation is fully resolved.


Long-term Maintenance and Monitoring


Importance of Regular Inspections

Regular inspections are vital in maintaining a carpenter bee-free home. Schedule inspections at least twice a year, particularly in early spring and late summer, when carpenter bee activity is at its peak. During these inspections, look for any new signs of bee activity and address them promptly.


Tips for Monitoring Bee Activity

Monitoring bee activity around your home can help you catch infestations early. Pay attention to areas where bees are frequently seen hovering or landing. Set up traps specifically designed for carpenter bees to monitor their population and activity around your property. These traps can help reduce the number of bees and provide an early warning of potential infestations.



Protecting your home from carpenter bees requires a comprehensive and proactive approach. By eliminating access points, reducing conducive conditions, and staying vigilant with maintenance and monitoring, you can keep these pests at bay. Remember to seek professional help when necessary to effectively manage severe infestations. Implementing these strategies will help ensure your home remains safe and structurally sound.




Q: What attracts carpenter bees to my home?

A: Carpenter bees are attracted to untreated or weathered wood. They prefer softwoods like pine, cedar, and redwood, which are easier for them to bore into.


Q: Are carpenter bees dangerous?

A: Carpenter bees are not aggressive and rarely sting. However, their nesting activity can cause significant damage to wooden structures over time.


Q: How can I tell if I have a carpenter bee infestation?

A: Look for perfectly round holes in wood surfaces, piles of sawdust beneath these holes, and the presence of large bees hovering around your home.


Q: Can I use DIY methods to get rid of carpenter bees?

A: DIY methods can be effective for minor infestations. However, for severe infestations, it is best to call a professional pest control service.


Q: How often should I inspect my home for carpenter bees?

A: Conduct inspections at least twice a year, particularly in early spring and late summer, to catch any signs of carpenter bee activity early.



  1. [Carpenter Bees—Biology and Management](
  2. [Preliminary Evaluation of Exclusion as a Technique to Reduce Carpenter Bee Damage](
  3. [Efficacy of Modified Hive Entrances and a Bottom Screen Device for Controlling Aethina tumida](
  4. [Nectar-Robbing Carpenter Bees Reduce Seed-Setting Capability of Honey Bees](




If you live in Southern Maryland, or Northern Virginia and need help please call us now or visit our website here.

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